Ana De Orbegoso - Neo Huaco

Vive y trabaja en Lima y Nueva York

Ana De Orbegoso is a New York based Peruvian multidisciplinary visual artist. She is recognized for her socially engaged and participatory art practice. Through the use of historical iconography, she explores aspects of gender, identity and collective memory, in photography, videos, sculptures, street projections, installations and multimedia productions.

De Orbegoso was selected for the Creative Capital NYC Latinx Workshop 2019/20; a 2008 fellow in Photography from the New York Foundation for the Arts and granted a 2009 NALAC -National Association of Latino Arts & Culture. She has been selected for Discoveries PhotoEspaña 07/09 and Interstice Spe Multicultural Caucus (2007), was awarded first prize in the 1st. National Photography Salon ICPNA, Lima, Peru (2006) and selected for an En Foco New Works Awards, New York, US (2002). A finalist for the National Contest of Women Artists USA, A.I.R. Gallery, NY (1993); and selected for Best Photography Annual, Photographer’s Forum, US (1993). Artistic residencies at Museo Larco and Museo Pedro de Osma in Lima, Peru.

Her video art “The Last Inca Princess” was awarded Best Experimental Short at the 2015 Big Apple Film Festival and the 2016 California Women’s Film Festival, with a Special Juror’s mention at the 2015 World Festival Extremo of Veracruz, Mexico and the Parwarimun Muhu Festival in Peru. The video anchored a multidisciplinary installation, including animation and virtual gaming at Lima's Museo Pedro de Osma. With the participation of the singer and the actress/dancer of the video, also a touring show was created projecting the video on the structures of millenary pyramids around Peru.

Her work is in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago; the National Museum of Women in the Arts, DC; National Hispanic Cultural Center, NM; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Lehigh University Art Galleries, Pennsylvania; MALI Museum of Art Lima; Museo de Arte U. San Marcos, Lima; En Foco Print Collector’s Program; Photographic Art Institute of Lima; ICPNA Peruvian Northamerican Cultural Institute, Lima, Peru; Gorman Museum UC Davies, Bellarmine University; the Joaquim Paiva Collection at the Modern Art Museum of Rio, Alejandro Castaño and the Violy McCausland Collection among others.

Her project “Urban Virgins”, a decolonial project, is being exhibited since 2006 around Peru’s different regions (+35), as an ongoing itinerant exhibition and performance with local artists’ participation.

Her recent work “Feminist Projections” follows her line of reclaiming history and memory geared to supporting the women’s movement for equal rights. In order to keep the conversation present, she walks around the city projecting photos of women's marches and quotes of empowerment. For this project, she has developed an installation of portraits and textile art simulating a march.

Her work has been exhibited in solo exhibitions at Museo Pedro de Osma, Lima, Peru; Embassy of Peru, DC; Greenwich Art Council, CT; Crossing Arts NY; The Cervantes Institute NY; Museo de la Nacion, Lima, Peru; Fotonoviembre Tenerife, Spain; UC Davis, Gorman Museum; Mirafoto Festival de Lima; Bellarmine U. Louisville, Kentucky; Bespoke Gallery NY; Museo Inka, Cusco, Peru; Sala Luis Miró Quesada Garland, Miraflores , Lima, Peru; Lucia de la Puente Gallery, Lima, Peru; ICPNA Lima, Peru, MALI Museum of Art Lima, Peru among others.

Her group exhibits include: L’Art Contemporai Péruvien, Fondation Taylor, Paris, France; 1st Biennial of Photography, Cusco, Peru; Les Chercheurs D´Or, Chateau de Saint Vincent-Auvent, France; Aleppo 8th International Women’s Art Festival, Syria; Beyond Borders/Cruzando Fronteras, Greenwich Arts Council , Conn., US; Otoño Fotográfico en Extremadura, Badajoz, España; Hunterdon Museum, New Jersey, US; Descubrimientos PhotoEspaña Madrid, Spain; Interstice Spe U.of Miami CAS Gallery; Lehigh U., Pennsylvania, US; Museum of Fine Arts Houston, US; Enfoco New Works Awards, Kenkeleba Gallery, NY, US; Latincollector Gallery, NY, US; Quito Biennial of Photography; Saloon of Photography, San Marcos U. Museum, Lima, Peru; MALI Museo de Arte de Lima, Peru; IV Month of Photography, Sao Paulo, Brasil; I Biennial of Art, Lima, Peru, Fotoseptiembre Latinoamericano Mexico DF, Mexico.

Photo and video studies at the ICP International Center of Photography, New York University and Arts Students League.

Ana De Orbegoso 2018 from ANA DE ORBEGOSO on Vimeo.